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Siemens optiPoint 500 Manual: How to Configure Your Voicemail Password on the Siemens OptiPoint 500 Phone
Do you have a Siemens OptiPoint 500 phone? Need to know how to configure your mailbox password? Follow along as we break down the steps for you.
Auto-configuration for voice mailboxes must be enabled by your System Administrator. If you have any questions, please see your System Administrator.
First, dial 7 9 0 to access “Entry Voice Mail”. Next, enter your mailbox password (the default is 1 2 3 4). Please take note of the announcement.
If this is your first time accessing your mailbox, it is strongly advised that you change your password. Only numbers 0-9 are permitted and please avoid using 1 2 3 4 or 0 0 0 0. If you forget your password, your System Administrator can reset it back to default.
Please note that you must activate either Call Forwarding or Call Forwarding – No Answer to the destination 7 9 0 to ensure that call reach the Entry Voice Mail.
And that is how you configure your voicemail password on your Siemens phone. We are always posting new video tutorials so be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel. You may also connect with us on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and Pinterest for updates.
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Tags: How to Configure Your Voicemail Password on the Siemens OptiPoint 500 Phone, Siemens optipoint 500 mailbox, Siemens optiPoint 500 phone, Siemens optiPoint 500 phone programming, Siemens optiPoint 500 phone voicemail, siemens optipoint 500 voicemail setup, Siemens optiPoint phone, Siemens phone, siemens phone optipoint 500 manual