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VoIP Telephony Popularity

voip phonesCommunication is essential. There’s a reason we still utilize phones, whether mobile or landlines. Phones enable us to remain connected and available for various reasons. Each business uses its phone system differently, from strictly mobile businesses with employees on the go, to businesses operating solely from a main office. Whatever the use, it’s clear that a solid system for communications is necessary for success.

Our phone systems have changed rather drastically over time. While some offices still maintain analog phone systems, many have upgraded to VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) systems. VoIP is now a popular and common choice when it comes to phone systems, but that wasn’t always the case.

It took some time for telephony to break through and be widely accepted. A major change came when the Internet came into play, for what we know more commonly as VoIP. In its early stages, problems plagued the technology, making its cons outweigh the pros and leaving many hesitant to adopt the system. However, as improvements were made, VoIP became more attractive.

After its makeover, VoIP systems gained a popular following with startups and small businesses. Reasons for this include its low monthly cost. These young companies don’t have to commit loads of money upfront, instead, they can pay monthly for what they need, and expand or downsize as needed.

The flexibility of the system allows employees more freedom, thus enticing them to stay with the company. Thanks to VoIP, employees can work remotely from home with their own devices. Or if any employee needs to travel and work simultaneously, the system allows for configuring and routing calls as necessary, no need for any outside help.

Another benefit of employing a VoIP system is the myriad of special features you can access or add for your convenience. You can essentially build your dream telephony system, equipped with all the features you want and need.

Do you employ a VoIP system? What do you love or hate about it? Share your thoughts and opinions with us – Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and Pinterest.

For your telecom needs, visit and browse our selection of new and refurbished business phones, phone systems, and equipment. Call 1-800-564-8045 to speak with our knowledgeable representatives Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:00pm.

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Aastra PowerTouch PT-480i
USD $185.00
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