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Enterprise VoIP

When shopping for a VoIP phone system, you want to be sure you are getting the right system that suits your specific needs. If your company has 100+ users, you will likely need an enterprise-level VoIP system to accommodate your demands. Unfortunately, most hosted VoIP solutions are designed for smaller scale companies.

Look for these top four features to determine whether or not the provider and system is suited for enterprise companies with 100+users.

Customizable User Templates
In a large company, new hires and promotions happen fairly often, which means that access and permissions will change with each role. Rather than having the IT staff manually enable and disable features and functions every time, a template should be available. Enterprise phone systems allow for customizable templates, while most big-name hosted VoIP solutions do not.

Professional Installation, Training, & Support
A company with 100+ employees likely does not have the time or proficiency to install a hosted phone system themselves, nor would it make sense to hire a third party to do the work. Also, it simply would not be feasible for your IT department to conduct a company-wide training session on the new phone system. And lastly, you should not have to call a third-party vendor to troubleshoot your VoIP phone issues.

Providers who offer enterprise-grade hosted VoIP solutions understand this, thus cover all the bases for your company. They have professional, on-site installation and support as well as training available for your organization.

Custom Software Integration
For enterprises, simply integrating with other software applications (e.g. Salesforce, Outlook, and Google) will not cut it. An enterprise-grade hosted VoIP provider is ready to accommodate your needs and will build-out any type of software integration your company requires.

Dedicated Circuits
Call quality is a non-negotiable for large companies and enterprise VoIP providers understand this. There is always an option to deliver a dedicated VoIP circuit to your location in order for your provider to control QoS (Quality of Service) and ensure land-line call quality with every call.

If you still cannot find a hosted VoIP provider that offers all of these features, keep looking or enlist help. So long as you’re on a suitable platform, VoIP can work for large enterprises just as well as small businesses.

If you have further questions, or need assistance, please feel free to contact us at 800-564-8045. You may browse our collection of new and refurbished business phones, phone systems, and much more at Connect with us on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.

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Enterprise VoIP
Before investing in an enterprise VoIP solution, be sure you are getting a true enterprise VoIP solution by ensuring these distinct features are included.

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