On the Nortel T7316 phone, extension numbers can be personalized to display a…
Nortel Networks Phone Manual: How to Reset Voicemail Passwords on the Nortel T7316 Phone
It is common knowledge that default usernames and passwords, for whatever device, should be changed as soon as possible to prevent any unauthorized access. Your business phone systems are no exception. You may even want to change or reset your passwords on a regular basis.
We can show you how to reset your voicemail passwords on the Nortel T7316 phone. Before we begin, please note the following default passwords:
Two digit extension phone systems: 120000.
Three digit extension phone systems: 1020000.
Four digit extension phone systems: 10020000.
To reset the administrator password, press FEATURE 985. The voicemail extension will appear on your display screen. Next, press 9 and when prompted for a password, dial 7 3 7 3 8 7 6 7 7 9 3. When the system asks if you want to reset the password, press the YES softkey. The system will then release and restore the default password. You will then be able to change the default password to a new one.
To reset the user mailbox password as an administrator, press FEATURE 983. When the display reads “LOG” enter the administrator password. For example, if the password is 1234, on a two digit extension phone system, you would enter 1 2 1 2 3 4, on a three digit extension phone system, you would enter 1 0 2 1 2 3 4, or on a four digit extension phone system, you would enter 1 0 0 2 1 2 3 4.
After you enter the password, press OK. Next, press the MBOX softkey, and then press the CHNG softkey. Enter the mailbox number for which you want to reset the password. The display should then read “Reset password” and you may press the RESET softkey, followed by the RLS button. The mailbox password is then set to the default, which is usually 0000.
And that is how you reset your voicemail passwords on your Nortel Networks phones. We are always posting new video tutorials so be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel. You may also connect with us on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and Pinterest for updates.
For an excellent selection of business phone systems and equipment, you may visit us online or call 1-800-564-8045.

Tags: change, change nortel t7316 password, mailbox, Nortel Networks, nortel phones, nortel t7316 phone, Nortel t7316 programming, nortel T7316 tutorial, nortel t7316 voicemail password, phone, reset, reset mailbox password, t7316 voicemail password