The Siemens optiPoint 500 phone conveniently provides the Transfer feature. This allows you…
How To Save & Redial An Outgoing Phone Number On The Siemens optiPoint 500 Phone
Saving new phone numbers that you have called is easy with the Siemens optiPoint 500 phone. In fact, there are three ways to do it. Follow along as we guide you through the different steps.
First, while you are still on the call, press the SAVED NUMBER REDIAL key if it is available.
If it is not available, you may select “Save Number?” from your optiGuide display while you are still on the call.
Lastly, while the call is still ringing or busy, you can dial #4.
Now that the number is saved, there are also three ways to dial the saved number.
First, press the SAVED NUMBER REDIAL if you have it available.
Or you may press the MENU key, then select “Speed Dial Features?” and scroll to “Saved number redial?” and select it.
Lastly, you may simply get a dial tone and dial #4.
And that is how you save and redial an outgoing phone number on your Siemens phone. We are always adding new video tutorials so be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel. You may also connect with us on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and Pinterest for updates.
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Tags: business phone, program siements optipoint 500, siemens optipoint 500, Siemens optiPoint 500 save & redial, siemens phone programming, Siemens Phones, training videos, video tutorial