Transferring calls is an easy way to direct callers to the appropriate party,…
How To Answer, Hold, And Retrieve A Call On The Avaya 18D Euro Style Phone
The Avaya 18D Euro Style Phone offers excellent features and is suitable for many different office environments. Learn how to answer, hold, and retrieve calls on the Avaya phone by following these steps.
To answer an incoming call, press the button for the line you wish to answer and then lift the handset or press SPKR (Speaker).
To enable Hands-Free Answer on Intercom, press MIC. This allows you to respond to voice-signaled intercom calls only (not ringing calls) without having to lift the handset or press any buttons.
To place an active call on hold, press HOLD.
To retrieve a call on hold, while you are on the handset or the speaker, press the line button next to the blinking green light, which is a call that you put on hold, or the blinking red light, which is a call put on hold at another extension.
And that is how you answer, hold, and retrieve calls on your Avaya phone. Check out this and other video tutorials on our YouTube channel. You may also connect with us on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest for updates.
For an excellent selection of business phone systems and equipment, you may visit us online or call 1-800-564-8045.

Tags: Answer Calls, Avaya 18D Euro Style, Avaya phones, business phones, Hold Calls, Retrieve Calls, training videos, video tutorial