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How To Hold & Transfer Calls On The Avaya 1608 IP Phone
Within your office, it may be necessary to redirect calls to different parties. You can do so by placing the call on hold and transferring it to the appropriate party. If you use the in your office, follow these steps to learn how to hold and transfer calls on the.
To put an active call on hold, press the HOLD button. The fast blinking LED next to the call/line appearance indicates that you have successfully placed the call on hold.
To resume the call when there is more than one call on hold, you may either press the call/line appearance button or scroll to the call and press the Resume softkey or the OK button.
To resume the call when there is only one call on hold, you may do one of the following:
- Press the HOLD button.
- Press the call/line appearance.
- Press the Resume softkey.
- Press the OK button.
To transfer a call, the call must be active. If the call you want to transfer is not your active call, or if that call is on hold, press the call/line appearance button for that call and then complete the next steps.
While on the active call, press the TRANSFER button. The very fast blinking green LED next to the call/line appearance button indicates that the call is being transferred.
Next, dial the telephone number, or call the party from either the contacts list or the call log. Lastly, press the TRANSFER button or the Complete softkey to transfer the call.
To send an incoming call directly to voicemail without answering, press the To Vmail softkey. Please note that in order to do this, your voicemail must be administered as the first entry in your coverage path. Please see your System Administrator for more information.
And that is how you hold and transfer calls on the Avaya 1608 IP Phone. We are always adding new video tutorials so be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel. You may also connect with us on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and Pinterest for updates.
For an excellent selection of business phone systems and equipment, you may visit us online or call 1-800-564-8045.

Tags: Avaya 1608 IP Phone, Avaya 1608 IP Phone Tutuorial, Avaya Phone, Hold & Transfer calls on the Avaya 1608 IP Phone